Torch Cigar BarMission Statement
In a sentence, to help bring joy in a complex world.Every idea starts with a problem. Our problem was one that has been echoed over and over – how can we spend more time with those that we truly want to be around? What if you could get away for a little bit and spend some time with those people? Relax, we’ve got this.
Torch Cigar Bar is the perfect staycation that you need. With the finest cigars and most creative craft cocktails awaiting you, it’s time to take care of you. You can expect to be greeted and waited upon by our wonderfully friendly family that we have assembled at Torch. Ownership has created an enthusiastic atmosphere that will transmit to our membership, and guests.
We are going to be spending some quality time together, so it is our joy to create comfort for you. We have a network of extraordinary partnerships with a single purpose in mind: we are all here to make your decision to be with us, as incredible as it can be.
Cheers! To us having many fantastic memories together,
Your Torch Family