shapes. Cigar manufacturers use terms that correspond to the approximate width and length of the cigar. They may vary between manufacturers, making the classifications rather confusing.
Most cigars have a cylindrical shape, referred to as a parejo shape. Cigars with irregular shapes, such as those with cone heads are referred to as figurado. Vitola is the term used to indicate the unique measurements of a cigar.
Cigars are rated based on standards that follow a set of criteria. The Cigar Aficionado Magazine is a recognized authority when it comes to cigar ratings. The publication uses the following criteria in rating cigars:
- Flavor – A cigar is rated based on the smooth and rich taste that is consistent throughout the smoke. A cigar could get a maximum of 25 points in this category.
- Smoking characteristics – A cigar is rated on the quality of the smoke. The cigar must burn evenly and allow easy drawing of smoke. A cigar can earn a maximum of 25 points in this category.
- Appearance and construction – A cigar is rated based on the smoothness of the wrapper and the absence of discernible flaws. A cigar must have a consistent color and shape. This category allows for a maximum of 15 points.
- Overall impression – A cigar is rated based on the overall smoking experience it provides. Up to 35 points may be granted.
Cigars are classified based on sizes as follows:
- Corona – This cigar is 5 ½ to 6 inches long and has a ring gauge of 42 to 45.
- Panatela – This cigar is 5 ½ to 6 inches long and has a ring gauge of 34 to 38.
- Lonsdale – This cigar is 6 to 6 ½ inches long and has a ring gauge of 42 to 44.
- Lancero – This cigar is 7 to 7 ½ inches and has a ring gauge of 38 to 40.
- Robusto – This cigar is 4 ½ to 5 inches long and has a ring gauge of 48 to 50.
- Toro – This cigar is 6 to 6 ½ inches long and has a ring gauge of 48 to 50.
- Presidente – This cigar is 7 to 8 ½ inches long and has a ring gauge of 52 to 60.
- Gigante – This cigar is over 6 inches long and has a ring gauge of over 60.
Try different types of cigars in the coming year. You can learn the characteristics of each type, then stick to the ones that you like the most. Visit our cigar shop near Scottsdale to see a wide variety of popular cigars.