Cigar smoking is often associated with celebrations. Fine cigars can make any event a little more special. Here are some of the most common occasions for lighting up a cigar.
- Weddings – At weddings, it is customary for grooms to pass out cigars to guests. Wedding cigars can be extravagantly expensive or low-cost, depending on the groom’s budget. Whatever the price of the cigar, it’s important to snap that iconic picture of the groom and his guests holding or smoking their cigars.
- Thanksgiving dinner – Thanksgiving dinner is a significant occasion for any American family, often with a lavish banquet of well-loved dishes. The dinner can be capped off by a host passing out cigars to family members.
- Baby’s birth – It is traditional for a newly-minted parent to distribute cigars to family, friends, and co-workers after the birth of a baby. There are special cigars for occasions like this with cellophane wrappers proclaiming the name or gender of the baby.
- Birthday celebration – Cigars make a great complement to a birthday party. Camaraderie is fostered when a group of friends enjoys an evening together, talking and smoking.
- Major accomplishment – When someone gets promoted in the workplace or reaches some other milestone, there is cause for a special celebration. What better way to celebrate than passing out cigars?
- New Year’s Eve – You can bid farewell to to the old year and usher in the new one with a fine cigar.
- Fourth of July – We often mark the nation’s birthday with fireworks and backyard barbecues. You can add enjoyment to the summer holiday by lighting up a cigar.
- Sports – People can watch their favorite teams face off on the big screen while enjoying their favorite stogie in the company of fellow sports fans.
That said, you don’t actually need a special occasion to enjoy a cigar. Bring one out at any time for a bit of indulgence and relaxation.