Cigar aficionados need an essential tool in order to fully enjoy their smoke: a good cigar cutter. Using the correct cigar cutter will enhance the pleasure of smoking. Cigar aficionados at our High Street cigar shop in Phoenix use different kinds of cigar cutters.
You cannot use a knife to cut your cigars. If you do, you might inadvertently cut the head of the cigar. A cigar cutter will give you much better control. Selecting the best cigar cutter will largely depend on the type of cigar that you smoke. Note that standard cutters will not work well if the cigar has more than a 60 ring size.
The following criteria are important to consider when selecting a cigar cutter:
- Sharpness – The sharpness of the blades will determine how easily you can cut the cigar. You can find many cigar cutters on the market today that are extremely sharp, allowing you to cut your cigar effortlessly.
- Comfort – Cutter options include tabletop, v-cut, or guillotine. The tabletop cutter will be ideal if the aficionado smokes his or her cigar in a specific place. Travelers are better off with small portable cutters, which they can carry anywhere they go. Smokers must be able to cut the cigar with ease. Otherwise, it might slip out of the smoker’s hand, causing them to cut the cigar in the wrong place.
- Design – The design of the cigar cutter is a matter of personal choice. Different brands feature different designs and flourishes. See which one fits your style.
The following are some of the best cigar cutters on the market: - Xikar Xi3 Mayan X – This is one of the most expensive cutters. Its design and mechanism are based on the original Xi3 creation but with added Mayan-inspired accents that are both colorful and vibrant.
- Palió – An ergonomically-designed cutter with vibrant colors, this model features a large cutter opening fashioned from hardened surgical metal. It has a plastic body without the plastic feel and sharp, refined blades. It is available in three variations – burl wood, carbon fiber, and original.
- Tonino Lamborghini Le Mans – This fancy cigar cutter with extreme precision has a push-button mechanism that allows it to snap open. It is made with black carbon fiber and comes with an ultra sharp stainless steel blade.
If you’re serious about your cigar smoking, a cutter is an indispensable asset. Try out a few different ones until you find one that suits your style.