Smoking a cigar is one of the best ways of relaxing and enjoying life while in the confines of your home during the cold days of winter. Smoking cigars imported from warm destinations conjures up images of sun-drenched beaches and blue seas.
To find cigars from warmer climates, look no farther than the Caribbean-bordered countries of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. Many of the best cigars in the world come from these areas and are exported worldwide.
Looking for the perfect Caribbean-born cigar? Consider these options:
- Partagas – Regarded as the world’s top cigars, Partagas are produced by two unaffiliated companies: Partagas in Cuba and Partagas in the Dominican Republic. The Cuban Partagas is considered the best in the world, and its limited availability makes it highly coveted.
- Davidoff – Produced in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff is a very high quality type of cigar. There are different types of Davidoff cigars, and each one is highly flavorful. Davidoff maintains several cigar bars in different parts of the world.
- Montecristo – This is by far the most popular Cuban cigar brand, because it is easily accessible compared to Partagas. Montecristo cigars are richly flavorful with smooth aromas.
- Cohiba – This is the most recognizable among the Cuban brands of cigars. It is also the most counterfeited cigar in the world. You should not be buying Cohiba if you are not sure about the reputation of the shop that sells it. The authentic Cohiba is very smooth, making it a popular choice among cigar aficionados.
- Ashton Cabinet Series – Produced in the Dominican Republic, Ashton Cabinet Series cigars are milder than most of the cigars produced in that country.
- Oliva – This is a brand of boutique cigars produced in Nicaragua. The flavor is robust but smooth, offering very unique combinations.
- Padron – This cigar type is produced in very limited quantities in Nicaragua. They are among the most sought-after types in the world. Padrons are flavorful and smooth but with a tinge of robustness.
- Arturo Fuente – Produced in the Dominican Republic, this brand is widely popular and available in most cigar stores.
- Romeo y Julieta – Also from the Dominican Republic, Romeo y Julieta cigars have the same characteristics as Arturo Fuente cigars.
Fight the winter blues with the warmth and flavorful aromas and tastes of the Caribbean.