Everything You Need To Know About Cigar Bands

Cigar smoking has been well-loved throughout history, but in this age of enterprise, cigar bars are becoming a popular choice for cigar lovers. Cigar bar patrons can frequent these trendy locations, socialize, and enjoy a wide array of cigar brands with other smokers....

Valentine’s Day Cigars

Valentine’s Day is an evolving ritual of romance, dating, and relationships. In most parts of the world, it is common to give a lady flowers or chocolates. On the other end of this gift-giving tradition, the menfolk often receive dinner, liquor, or even cigars. Cigars...

Famous Super Bowl Cigar Smokers

With the Super Bowl fast approaching, one traditional way of celebrating the big game is to open a good bottle of champagne and light up a flavorful stogie. As we all look forward to the NFL season’s exciting end, let’s take a good look at the iconic football players...

Aged Rums to Pair With Your Cigars

The only thing better than smoking a cigar is pairing it with the perfect alcoholic beverage. Many cigar aficionados love to experiment, pairing their favorite cigar with a variety of drinks, including whiskey, bourbon, scotch, and even craft beers. As you think about...

Are Cuban Cigars Worth It?

Of all the cigars in the world, Cuban cigars are some of the most highly valued. One could say that their prestige is in part due to the embargo enacted by John F. Kennedy in 1962, which made them illegal, but the truth is that they were already a hot commodity before...

National Thank You Month

Cigar smoking is a wonderful hobby that has the ability to bring people together. Our team at Torch Cigar Bar is grateful that our cigars have brought our wonderful clientele to us, and we would like to thank all of our patrons for trusting us to bring you the...